Jim Crow Laws laws making African-Americans take “literacy tests” to dictate whether they were educated enough to vote and women once didn’t have the right at all. We now are under the impression that our vote is counted no matter our class, race or gender, but is it?
In 2000, the issue of votes being counted erupted. That election was what was going to define our country for the next 8 years and it seemed that the right to vote was the underlying factor which would decide the future. Everyone remembers the confusion over in Florida. We were first told Gore was our president, then Bush? How did that work out? Well, news stations like MSNBC came in with the announcement that Gore had won Florida, then Fox news came in saying that Bush was president. So what happened? Could it be the fact that Bush’s cousin was the one who called and told Fox the winner. Maybe it was that the Secretary of State, Katherine Harris while recounting the votes in Florida happened to be in contact with Jeb Bush, George’s brother, the governor of Florida. Looking at these facts it is hard to fathom that this was ll coincidence. Hadn’t Bush been saying the whole election how positive he was that he would win Florida. I guess due to the great secrecy of this whole fraud makes it hard to prove whether Bush’s ties to those you were in control of the election are proof of fraud. Maybe finally having independent media would help us out there! In Florida 8,000 people were wrongly identified as being felons and lost their vote. Before voting day lists were made of all the convicted felons to ensure they do not vote. But when the list was made the names weren’t only the people who were felons but people with names that are closely spelled as convicted felons. The list added each name that had a 80% match of the convicted felon name. On top of that, several thousands of votes weren’t counted all together for numerous faulty reasons. Bush only “winning” by 538 votes, if the predominately African-American voters in Florida had been heard then Bush wouldn’t have won in the first place. Then in 2004, there was a repeat of this disenfranchisement for many African-American and lower middle class voters. 74% of the lowers middle class precincts in Ohio were lacking in machines, as some stood in the rain for hours waiting for the chance to vote. People were harassed at the voting stations, their ID’s were checked and they were told that they weren’t on the list to vote. Thousands of people weren’t heard because of the greed for power and money overruled our constitution and democracy. Just imagine, a world where Bush hadn't become president....
Now attacks have been made on ACORN (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now) because of the possibility of voting fraud. Four of workers for ACORN were indicted on charges of voter fraud in Kansas City. The Kansas City Election Board found suspicious forms, such as seven applications from one person and an application for a dead man. Election officials said some of the application cards had false addresses, signatures and phone numbers. Obama had donated money, or something along those lines to ACORN a while back and now is begin accused of partaking in voter fraud, or at least funding it. McCain’s Campaign said “Obama's affiliation with this group raises serious questions about his judgment and ability to lead this nation.” And yet we don’t question Bush Senior affiliation with the Carlyle group, hypocrisy? I honestly believe, all opinion aside, whether this was happening to McCain or Obama, is shouldn’t be a part of a campaign, blaming isn’t a poll booster anymore. McCain is down in the polls and any possible dirt he can get about Obama may help him. The media has made it out to be some sort of greedy conspiracy rather then sloppy registering. All I know is that ACORN is by no means equal to ferocious terrorists and the issue has no right to be injected into the minds of the many undecided voters. Let’s get back to politics, middle school is over.
True Lies-Poem
So what do you think should be done to make sure nothing like that ever happens again? I'm getting a sense that you think something has to be done, but I'm not sure what.
I think that the voting fraud shouldn't happen, but how can you stop it? What power do the citizens actually have?
Voting fraud is a big problem and has come up sense the 2000 election. How can the people make sure that doesn't happen again? Should we just abolish the gov. and start a new? Do people really care that other people that they really son't know are suffereing from voter fruad? I really don't think they do, just as long as it is not me is probably what their thinking. How can people get other people to realize this is a problem that needs to be fixed?
Do you think any of this happened in this election? Do you think we have over come it and think it will never happen again? or are we doomed to stay in this horrible place where people are stripped of their right to vote?
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